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Postal GiroMedia account transfer receipts/payments

Last updated:2019/10/31 Print
What is media account transfer entrusted collection?
A business enterprise regularly receiving various payments, upon receiving legal authorization from the debit account holder, may provide media information to the Post Office by means of file transmission prior to the payment date; the Post Office can then transfer the payment from the debit account to the business enterprise's giro receipt account on the payment date, and then transmit account information back to the business enterprise via media to enable writing off.
Entrusted payment collection items:
Credit card payments, installment payments, insurance premiums, union dues, investment trust fund payments, service fees, donations, and school tuition and fees, etc.
Handling method:
Limited to continuing monthly or regular payments; processed using computer media data.
Application procedures:
Business enterprises must open a giro savings account and perform agreement-signing procedures at any responsibility center bureau. Payers must have postal passbook savings or giro savings accounts.
What are media account transfer entrusted payments?
A business enterprise regularly making various payments may provide media information to the Post Office by means of file transmission prior to the payment date; the Post Office can then transfer the payment from the business enterprise's giro account to the payee's account on the payment date, and then transmit account information back to the business enterprise via media, which will save account processing time.
Entrusted payment items:
Cash dividends, commissions, manuscript fees, creditor's rights distributions, insurance premiums, bonuses, retirement fund contributions, etc.
Handling method:
Limited to monthly or continuing regular payments; processed using computer media data.
Application procedures:
Business enterprises must open a giro savings account and perform agreement-signing procedures at any responsibility center bureau. Payees must have postal passbook savings or giro savings accounts.