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Postal ServicesLegal attest letters

Last updated:2019/10/21 Print

The legal attest letter I send has an attachment. Does the copy need an attachment, too?

Yes. If the original has an attachment, so does the copy. A photograph or a photocopy of the attachment is also OK if creating a second attachment is impossible.

How are legal attest letters charged?

The legal attest letter fee is NT$50 $ for the first page and NT$30 for each following page or attachment pages.

Can I review the legal attest letter that I sent a year ago? Do I need to pay?

A copy of the legal attest letter is kept 3 years, during which the sender may review it by presenting original sending receipt. The charge is half the charge for sending a legal attest letter.

Can I apply for a proof of copy of the legal attest letter that I sent a year ago? Do I need to pay?

A copy of the legal attest letter is kept 3 years, during which the sender may apply for a proof of copy by presenting original sending receipt. The charge is half the charge for sending a legal attest letter.

Can the legal attest letter be written in foreign languages?

Only one character for each writing box. Foreign language can be used only when mentioning foreign people's names or things.

Can I correct the writing in a legal attest letter?

Yes. Edited parts in a legal attest letter must be mentioned in the remark column and signed by the sender. The maximum for edited words is 20 characters per page.

How do I send two legal attest letters whose only differences are recipient names and addresses. What's the charge?

Two legal attest letters whose only differences are recipient names and addresses can be regarded as one original and one copy, with a note of different names and addresses. The second (or further) letter is charged half as the original.

What is the purpose of the legal attest letter?

An identical copy of a domestic registered letter that is kept in the post office as proof is called a legal attest letter, which can be used as evidence in legal proceedings.

Is there special format paper for writing a legal attest letter? Does the post office provide it online for us to print out?

Yes. There is a special format paper for writing
legal attest letters. You can buy it from your local post office. For printout from your own computer, the paper must be identical to that sold in the post office. A4 paper is OK. The layout of the letter is available for download at :

Can I write a foreign address for my legal attest letter?

Starting March 20, 1993, foreign addresses were allowed on the cover of legal attest letters sent abroad, but the letter content must still be written in Chinese. The letter will be sent as international registered mail. No receipt is available if the destination country doesn't provide such service.
The post office is only responsible for verification of the date of sending and the content of the legal attest letter, and shall not be responsible whether domestic or foreign courts recognize its legal effectiveness. Also, no-return-receipt delivery or return receipt delayed (few countries provide return receipt service, and there are cases where return receipts are late for months). In conclusion, the post office doesn't guarantee the legal attest letter's legal effectiveness. Think twice before making such a delivery.