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Last updated:2024/01/23 Print

Notice for Foreign Nationals Applying to Change the “New UI No.

  • Updated on:110/05/31
  • Views:4685
1.To establish a friendly environment for foreign nationals,Ministry of the interior National Immigration Agency Republic of China(Taiwan)(hereafter referred to as ”NIA”)will change the UI No. format for foreign nationals from the current code consisting of two English letters followed by eight digits to a new code consisting of one English letter followed by nine digits (hereafter referred to as “the New UI No.”), in conformity with the code used for citizens’ID card numbers, from January 2, 2021.
2.If you have changed to New UI No.,please bring the following documents to post office to change your UI No.:
(1)Saving account:Please bring your ARC bearing the New UI No.,passbook,authorized seal and go to any post office to change your UI No. of account information(if your account is Branch-limited,please go to the post office where the account was opened).
(2)Time deposit account or Giro account:Please bring your ARC bearing the New UI No., authorized seal and go to the post office where the account was opened.
3.If you are not available to go to post office currently to change your UI No.,Chunghwa Post Co.’s also provides another methods to change your UI No..You can download and complete the “Change UI NO. Application Form for Foreign Nationals” form for changing the UI No.,then send it to the post office where the account was opened.
4.If you are not available to change your UI NO.,it does not affect the use of your account, ATM Card, iPost, or Web ATM,etc.
5.In order to protect your rights, if you have agreed with the Bank on the direct debit/credit of your account (such as credit card deduction, payroll transfers, and tax payment/refund for income tax declaration, etc.), please confirm that it has been changed to the New UI No. by the relevant units, so as not to affect the operation of the direct debit/credit.
6.If you have any related questions,you can call Chunghwa Post Co.’s 24-hour customer service hotline 0800-700-365,if using a mobile phone please dial toll number (04)2354-2030,or inquire at a local post office.
7.For more information about "New UI No. for Foreign Nationals", please visit the website of NIA (Taiwan),or call NIA’s service station,"Life Advisory Service Hotline for Foreigners in Taiwan(0800-024-111)" or "MOI Service Hotline (1996)".

                                                                                                                                                          Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.