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Last updated:2025/01/20 Print

ITMATT Must be Submitted When Sending Mail Overseas.

  • Updated on:113/08/01
  • Views:14578
1. Senders must submit electronic customs information (ITMATT) when sending mail containing goods (including ordinary packet, registered packet, ePacket, Parcel and EMS) to EU countries, the United States, Japan, Hongkong, UK, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea(Rep.), Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Jordan, South Africa, India and Belarus.

2. Before posting, please use the EZPost online posting platform to make your shipping label, so that we can submit ITMATT to the destination country.

***How to use EZPost to make shipping label***
(1) Log on to  https://ezpost.post.gov.tw/itmatt
(2) Click 「EN」button to switch the English website.
(3) Click 「Start」to make your shipping label.
(3) Select the type of mail from the menu.
(4) Key in the sender and addressee details, and declare the information of your mail, (content, weight, dimension, value...)
(6) Print the shipping label and commercial invoice. (Only Parcel and EMS have commercial invoice)
(7) Then take the shipping label (& commercial invoice) and your mail to the post office. The postal system will automatically transmit the ITMATT to the destination country once the mail posting procedure is completed.