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Government BondsIntroduction Of Operations

Last updated:2019/11/01 Print
Opening the central registered bond account procedure

Investor who may open the account should have the postal pass-book savings or postal giro transferring account reference. To complete the " central bond account application form" and "central registered bond chop stamp card', please apply the central registered bond registered book by submit two copies of them. For further transaction, the bid and asked price will be registered in the book.

Subscribe to the central registered bond
Subscribe for 141 places national wide:
In order to attract the small caps investors to participate and easy to buy central registered bond, the Ministry of Financial has provided small caps investors to buy it form post office since April, 83. The applying process is as following:
Aim: small caps investors.
Limitation: Face value is between 100,000and 1,000,000 (counted together with the Taiwan stock exchange) counted for per person.
Location: 141 places were assigned for selling offices.
Price: The price of non-bid or ask for central registered bond is based on each different issued order announced by government.
Settlement period: In 7 days after issued (If the settlement date is ended on Sunday, then put one day off).
To make the registered for bid and ask at the post office form 9:00 a.m. five days in front to 3:30 p.m. one day in front of the day of issue. When the total registered amount (combine the postal office and Taiwan stock exchange accumulate registered amount) excess the amount of government, the postal savings and remittances bureau ( PSRB) has the right to assign who shall be obligated. Only that the amount shall not under 100,000 dollars for each transaction.
The applicant should provide the pass-book savings or postal giro transferring account number, central registered bond book and personal I.D. to fill out the" reserved and write off the central registered bond application form" (for both the obligation and deposit returned purpose). Then, pay the obligation deposit at the post office. There is 500 dollars fee for each 100,000 central registered government bond registered fee. 1,000 dollars for 200,000 central registered government bond registered fee, and so on.
Applicant who may write off the obligate before the date of bid and ask. The deposit shall be returned. However, the deposit will not be returned after the date of bid and ask for central registered bond.
Applicant should provide the photo I.D. obligate and deposit return receipt, central registered bond book and the proper amount of money to complete the transaction. To complete this transaction, please fill out the" application form of central registered bond purchasing". The original deposit could be waived from the central bond payment.
The applicant delaying settlement after the issuing date should compensate with the late payment or late registered fee which was counted on the daily basis.
The delaying settlement and being listed applicant should be take off the related deposit; there is only once allowance to be delay.
Subscribe for the Taiwan stock exchange:
In order to exercise the bond market and lead the investor to participate the capital market, not only the existing post office window sell the central registered bond, but also ask Taiwan Stock Exchange to provide the service of selling central registered bonds for public since August, 2000. The procedure is as following:
Aim: small caps investors
Limitation: Each people limited for one selling. The selling unit will be accumulate based on each 100,000. The total amount should be under 1,000,000 (counted together with the postal remittances and savings office. he total selling unit shall be decided by government and Taiwan stock exchange.
The applicant should deposit the payment into the issues bank one day in front. The securities dealer will withdraw the amount at the same day. It is same with the take off if the payment is late or be paid not enough.
The clearing bank will transfer the central bonds into applicants' listed central bond account on the day of bond issuing.
Selling the central registered bond re-purchase
Aim : small caps investor with the "Postal Central Registered Bond". The "book" record the "order" and the balance allowance.
Limitation: 1,000,000 for each transaction per person.
How: Please bring the photo I.D. to make an apply? It will be more convenient to complete the transaction, if people could have the postal pass-book or postal giro transferring account and postal central registered bond book at hand.
Price: Based on the small caps quotation listed on the board of Remittances and Savings office.
Report for postal central bond registered book lost and re-apply

Please bring photo I.D. and the original chop stamp, and fill out two of the " application form of reporting lost of postal central registered bond book". If it is unable to complete this procedure immediately, the notice by phone is necessary for temporary inactive the account. People may complete the procedure as soon as possible.

Report for chop stamp lost

Please bring photo I.D. and postal central registered bond book; filling out two copies of the ¡uapplication form of requesting for changing the chop stamp of postal central registered bond book application form, submitted them to the original bond registered office (omnibus account should prepare the official written notice for reasons). People who may not go through these procedures immediately should notice by phone for temporary inactive this account. Then, being the office to renew the chop stamp as soon as possible.

Paying to principal or interest of central registered bond

The interest will be auto transfers into the investors' pass-book or postal giro saving account. The issues office will send the investor tax withholding statement for people who has the central account( the interest will be paid by the law of taxation after auto deducted the income tax)