When making online purchases, you need to enter your card number, expiration date, and 3-digit code on the back of your card on the transaction page. However, even if your card is not lost or stolen, it may still be used fraudulently. If you have any issue about your transaction details, please contact our customer service center immediately at 0800-700-365 (from cell phone: 04-23542030 from overseas, please call: +886-4-2354-2030).
To minimize transaction risk, you can try the following safety tips:
Keep your card and card information properly.
Avoid purchases on unknown websites.
Ensure that the websites are enhanced secure data protected transmission mechanism and the device you are using is protected by anti-virus software.
Frequently check your account. If you find any unfamiliar transaction, contact us immediately for assistance.
Visa Secure Online Payment
Visa Secure is an online transaction-protected system jointly provided by Chunghwa Post, the Financial Information Service Co., Ltd., and Visa Inc. It protects online transactions at participating stores by entering a One-Time password to verify the cardholder's identity. After the foregoing verification process, online transactions will be similar to ATM card transactions at an ATM, where you must enter your password. Visa Secure can avoid the illicit use of your card and make online transactions more secure.