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Special 146 Taiwan Vegetable Postage Stamps (1978)

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Stamp SN D146
Stamp Name Special 146 Taiwan Vegetable Postage Stamps (1978)
Stamp Cat Standard Special Stamps
Stamp Cat Fruits, Vegetables
Issue date 1978-10-23
Suspersion date
Dimension of stamps(mm.) 30x40或40x30
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer China Engraving & Printing Works, R.O.C.
Designer Chang Fu-fu & Wen Hsueh-ju
Creative Director
Sheet composition 10×10
Print color
Process Deep etch offset
Paper Locally-made mat finished, watermarked stamp paper with gum
Perforation 13 1/2
  The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center is an international institute devoted to the improvement of vegetable production in the tropics. Since its establishment in 1971 it has endeavored to develop high yielding, disease resistant, nutritious vegetable crops. The most outstanding of AVRDC achievements has been the development of high yielding tomato varieties that can set fruit under high night temperatures, and withstand the wet conditions and diseases of the lowland tropics.  In 1978 the AVRDC held the first International Symposium on Tropical Tomatoes, October 23 to 28, in Taiwan. In honor of the achievement made by the AVRDC and the convocation of the Symposium, a set of stamps was released.