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Special 16  Ancicnt Chinese Paintings in the Palace Museum Stamps (1960)

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Stamp SN D016
Stamp Name Special 16  Ancicnt Chinese Paintings in the Palace Museum Stamps (1960)
Stamp Cat Standard Special Stamps
Stamp Cat Birds, Mammals, Flowers, Calligraphy & Paintings
Issue date 1960-08-04
Suspersion date
Dimension of stamps(mm.) 51 x 36或 36 x 51
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer Printing Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, Japan
Creative Director
Sheet composition 5×10 or 10×5
Print color
Process Photogravure
Paper Photogravure stamp paper
Perforation 13
  The Chinese painting has long won world-wide admiration· Famous paintings from various periods kept in the National Palace Museum are considered as one of our national treasures· In order to acquaint the public with early Chinese culture through our ancient painting, a set of postage stamps was issued, with four ancient Chinese painting masterpieces selected from among the Palace Museum collection as the central subjects· Brief descriptions are as follows:1.00 〝Two Riders〞 by Wei Yen (A.D. 7th to 8th century, during the Tang Dynasty). The original painting is on silk and measures 44.5 × 31 mm..1.40 〝Two Horses and a Groom〞 by Han Kan (A.D. 8th century , during Tang Dynasty). The original painting is on silk and measures34.1 × 27.5 mm..1.60 〝Flowers and Birds〞 by Hsiao Yung (A.D.10th to 11th century). The original painting is a hanging silk scroll and measures 83 × 145 mm..2.00 〝A Pair of Mandarin Ducks in an Autumn Rivulet〞 by Monk Hui Chung of Northern Sung Dynasty (960-1126). The original painting is on paper and measures 26.4 ×27.4 mm..