In 1938 the Emergency National Convention of Kuomintang Party adopted a set of resolutions for national reconstruction during wartime, of which the four important ones respection the economic reconstruction were as follows:
(1) To put into practice a well planned economy, to encourage investments by the people overseas and in the country, and to expand wartime production;
(2) To cultivate waste lands and to improve the waterways;
(3)To open mines and to build up an industrial foundation;
(4)To improve the communication system, to organize joint land, water, and air transport, to build more railways, and open additional new air lines, etc.
In 1941 the Sino-Japanese War turned in China's favor strengthening the people's confidence in our final victory. To implement the above-mentioned resolutions of national reconstruction, the Postal Administration adopted a design for a large-size stamp showing prosperous farms, good communications, rich mines, and productive factories.
On the same day the souvenir sheet (156 mm. × 167 mm.) consisting of the six denominations, was issued, which was the first souvenir sheet issued in this country.