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Postal Agency ServicesHow to be Our Supplier?

Last updated:2020/11/07 Print

The qualifications required of our collaborating suppliers and the requirements on the key elements of the products are summarized below for reference. For further information, please contact 02-23921310, ext. 2805, 2824, 2826, 2880.

Requirements the supplier must meet: Being a local company or organization that has been legally established and registered, or a branch or subsidiary of a foreign company that has been recognized and approved by the competent authorities for establishment registration in the country. Besides, depending on the types of products put forward, the amount of paid-in capital and the average revenue of the past year are set a limit separately.
Conditions needed of the products for agency services:
The merchandise must have a Product Registration Number or registered under the relevant laws and regulations.
The product and its packaging shall be characterized by the labeling of the contents thereof and comply with legal requirements.
If the product has an expiry date, it shall be valid for 6 months or more.
The product shall be covered with a Product Liability Insurance of NTD 20 million or NTD 50 million and above.
Please refer to the Requirements for Products, for specific conditions needed for each type of product.