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Commemorative 166 Centennial of Chinese Postage Stamps Commemorative Issue & Souvenir Sheet (1978)

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Stamp SN B166
Stamp Name Commemorative 166 Centennial of Chinese Postage Stamps Commemorative Issue & Souvenir Sheet (1978)
Stamp Cat Standard Commemorative Stamps
Stamp Cat Post && Telecommunications, National Flags, Activities, Stamp On Stamp
Issue date 1978-02-21
Suspersion date
Dimension of stamps(mm.) 36×5
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer China Color Printing Co. Inc.,R.O.C.
Designer Yen Ki-shih
Creative Director
Sheet composition 10×5

Print color
Process Deep etch offset
Back Souvenir sheets gumless
Perforation 13 1/2
  In 1978 Chinese postage stamps had a history of one hundred years, beginning with the initial release of the First Customs Dragon Issue, commonly known as〝Large Dragons〞, in 1878. To celebrate this significant occasion, a set of 〝Centennial of Chinese Postage Stamps Commemorative Issue〞 was released on February 21, and a souvenir sheet (144 × 102 mm.) was released on March 20, 1978.  The stamps take as their main design three representative Chinese stamps issued in the early, middle, and recent periods, i. e. Large Dragons, Dr. Sun Yat-sen (New York Print), and President Chiang Kai-shek’s portrait stamps. Around the central design is a decorative pattern. As for the souvenir sheet, three stamps are arranged in a row.