Special 320 Yangtze River Postage Stamps (1993)

Stamp SN D320
Stamp Name Special 320 Yangtze River Postage Stamps (1993)
Stamp Cat Standard Special Stamps
Stamp Cat Scenic Spots
Issue date 1993-05-15
Suspersion date
Dimension of stamps(mm.)
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer China Color Printing Co. Inc., R.O.C.
Designer Sun Hsin-yu
Creative Director
Sheet composition 5×6
Print color
Process Deep etch offset
Paper Locally-made mat finished,
watermarked stamp paper with gum
Perforation 13


   Approximately 6,300 kilometers in length, the Yangtze River is ranked as the longest river in China. Originating in the Ching-Kang-Chang Plateau, the Yangtze River cuts through the mountainous Yun-Kwei Plateau, runs a craggy course into the Three Gorges and flows through a great pasture of grassland, then empties into the East China Sea as a giant dragon winding through the whole China.

   This set depicts five scenic spots of the Yangtze River. The designs of the five stamps are: (1) The Origin of the Yangtze River (2) The Most Abrupt Turn of the Yangtze River (3) Roaring Tiger Gorge (4) Chutang Gorge and (5) Small Three Gorges.