Special 245 Famous Chinese - Wu Yueh–Portrait Postage Stamp (1987)

Stamp SN D245
Stamp Name Special 245 Famous Chinese - Wu Yueh–Portrait Postage Stamp (1987)
Stamp Cat Standard Special Stamps
Stamp Cat Martyrs
Issue date 1987-03-29
Suspersion date 民國77年03月29日
Dimension of stamps(mm.)
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer China Engraving & Printing Works, R.O.C.
Engraver Liu Yueh-chiao
Creative Director
Sheet composition 10×10
Print color
Process Intaglio
Paper Locally-made mat finished,
watermarked stamp paper with gum
Perforation 13 1/2 x 12 1/2


  Martyr Wu Yueh (1878-1905) was a native of Tung-cheng, An-hwei Province. His education and personal inclination made him a firm believer of national revolution against the rule of the Ching court. With the attempt to start an uprising, he left home for northern China. He founded the Liang-chiang Primary School at Paoting of Hopeh Province, and published the Chi-li(Hopeh) Newspaper in vernacular Chinese, to educate the people.

    In 1905, to blunt the surging demand for revolution, the Ching court was to send five ministers abroad to study introduction of democracy, giving people the false impression that it also had plans to eventually set up a constitutional government. Knowing the deception, Martyr Wu was so angry that he decided to make it known to the public. Carrying a bomb, he intended to kill the five ministers at the Peking train station. Unfortunately, the plan failed and he died for the cause of national revolution at the age of twenty-eight.

   The design was recommended by the Party History Committee, Central Committee of the Kuomintang.