(1)Chekiang Overprint (Issued in 12.1942)Stamp No. Original print Sheet composition
FP1.1 HK. Dah Tung 10×5
FP1.2 HK. Chung Hwa 10×5 The stamps were overprinted〝軍郵〞(Field Post) with No. 5 Sung typeset characters in red, of which the pointed parts of their last strokes are 10 mm. apart.(2)Kwangtung Overprint (Issued on 28.12.1942)FP1.3 New York 10×20 The stamps were overprinted〝軍郵〞(Field Post) with No. 3 Sung typeset characters in red, of which the pointed parts of their last strokes are 12 1/2 mm. apart.(3)Hunan Overprint (Issued in 1942).FP1.4 New York 10×20 The stamps were overprinted in lithography with the characters〝軍郵〞(Field Post) in No. 4 Imitation Sung characters in red, of which the pointed parts of their last strokes are 8 1/2 mm. apart.(4)Hupeh Overprint (Issued in 1942)FP1.5 HK. Dah Tung 10×10 The stamps were overprinted with the characters〝軍郵〞(Field Post) in No. 3 Sung typeset characters in red, of which the pointed parts of their last strokes are 12 1/2 mm. apart.(5)Chungking Overprint (Issued since 1942)FP1.6 Central Trust
FP1.7 Central Trust
FP1.8 Central Trust
FP1.9 Central Trust
FP1.10 Central Trust The stamps were overprinted with the characters〝軍郵〞(Field Post) in No. 3 Imitation Sung characters (16-cent stamps overprinted with Regular-Writing characters) in red or black. The inside distance between the pointed parts of the last strokes in these two characters is 7 1/2 mm. in the $2 denomination, and 9 mm. in other denominations.(6)Kiangsi Overprint (Issued since 1943)FP1.11 HK. Dah Tung 20×10
FP1.12 2nd Pai Cheng 20×10 In April 1943, the stamps were overprinted〝軍郵〞(Field Post) with No. 3 Sung Typeset characters in red, of which the pointed parts of their last strokes are 9 1/2 mm. apart. And on June 1, 1944, the stamps were overprinted 〝軍郵〞(Field Post) with No. 3 Imitation Sung character in black, of which the pointed parts of their last strokes are 6 1/2 mm. apart. For the sake of speedy transmission of military mails and for the convenience of soldiers and officers, Field Post Business Offices, later Known as Field Post Offices, and Field Post Redirection Offices were first installed in 1937 in appropriate troop units during the war against Japan. In every war zone there was a Field Post Chief Inspecting Section responsible for the control of Field Post Offices within its area. At the very beginning, as no Field Post stamps were available, Field Post mails were marked by special chops by the Field Post Offices. In conformity with the slogan of〝Military Requirements First,〞all mails and personal letters sent by soldiers to their families in the rear, were invariably carried by planes as much as circumstances permitted, even though air postage was not paid. Subsequently, a new procedure was introduced, whereby definitive stamps were overprinted as Field Post Stamps, and were sold under military mails special treatment and against the applications of military institutions accompanied by detailed lists showing names of military officers and soldiers in need of such stamps for mail franking purpose.