To introduce the beauty of Taiwan’s alpine plants and to call public attention to the importance of ecological conservation, Chunghwa Post has offered a special series of postage stamps, the first set being of four stamps, as described below:1. Veratrum formosanum (NT$8): With narrow lanceolate leaves and dark purple to reddish-purple flowers blossoming from June to September, this plant generally grows in open areas on mountains high above sea level. It is frequently found on arrow bamboo grassland and alongside mountain paths.2. Scabiosa lacerifolia (NT$8): With narrow lanceolate leaves and completely purple flowers open between August and October, this plant grows mostly on sun-facing ridges and rocky peaks in mid to high level mountains.3. Geranium hayatanum (NT$15): Each leaf of this geranium has three to five deep clefts. The flowers are pale pink with reddish-purple stripes. It flowers from June to September. It is distributed over broad open spaces and is frequently seen on grassy areas in the high mountains, in hollows sheltered from the wind, and along roadsides and pathways.4. Sedum morrisonense (NT$20): With many fleshy oval leaves and yellow flowers open from July to September, this stonecrop is often seen on sun-facing cliffs and scree slopes in the high mountains.
(1) First Day Cover (195 mm × 120 mm): NT$3 apiece(2) Folder (with or without mount): NT$8 apiece(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece(4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$8-denominated stamp: NT$11 apiece(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a full set of stamps: NT$54 apieceTo purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, Postal Museum or order on line at