Following the Modern Taiwanese Paintings Postage Stamps (Issue of 2019) and to introduce the artistic achievements of Taiwan’s own artists, Chunghwa Post has offered a set of four stamps featuring Mt. Datun and Early Summer in South Taiwan from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts as well as A Scene from Fengyuan and Ship of Southern Country from the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. A description of the pictures follows:1. Ni Chiang-huai’s Mt. Datun (NT$ 8): This work uses rapid, free brushstrokes and elegant color harmony to depict the scenery at the foot of Mount Datun with a winding road running through the center of the picture. The temple in the background records the early style of architecture in Taiwan and leads the onlooker to appreciate the beauty of the mountain scenery. Watercolor on paper, 33 × 47 cm, 1934.2. Yeh Huo-cheng’s A Scene from Fengyuan (NT$ 8): This painting focuses on a street in Fengyuan, Taichung. To the right is a storied building with brick-red arches whilst on the left is an earth-yellow thatched house with walls of adobe. The blend of warm colors in a little Taiwanese town exudes a sub-tropical atmosphere. Watercolor on paper, 48.1 × 66.2 cm, 1927.3. Huang Shui-wen’s Early Summer in South Taiwan (NT$12): This picture depicts one of the many coconut trees found in southern Taiwan, bearing abundant fruit amid fresh leaves against a clear, bright sky with a few scattered white clouds and birds flying freely. The picture as a whole conveys a sense of relaxation on a hot summer’s day. Gouache on paper, 153.5 × 245 cm, 1940.4. Huang Ching-shan’s Ship of Southern Country (NT$ 12): This picture shows a canal in Tainan City with people relaxing from their busy life by taking a skiff. The picture is dominated by the brownish red sails leaving much of the canvas white. The air is peaceful, simple and restful. Gouache on paper, 150 × 328.5 cm, 1941.
(1) First Day Cover (162 mm × 114 mm): NT$2 apiece(2) Folder (with or without mount): NT$5 apiece(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece (4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$8-denominated stamp: NT$10 apiece(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a full set of stamps: NT$42 apieceTo purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, Postal Museum or order on line at