To introduce the beauty of Taiwan sculpture, Chunghwa Post will issue a souvenir sheet on “Water Buffaloes” by Huang Tu-shui. The souvenir sheet has a denomination of NT$25. To demonstrate the beauty of sculpture, it is also embossed while printing.
Huang Tu-shui (1895-1930) was Taiwan’s first contemporary sculptor and a pioneer in fusing western and traditional sculptural elements. “Water Buffaloes,” one of Huang’s masterpieces and his most representative work, is featured on this souvenir sheet. “Water Buffaloes” depicts a scene in a banana grove at the height of the summer: a refreshing breeze lightly sways the banana leaves as five water buffaloes mill about in a pasture. There are two naked shepherd boys: one on the back of a water buffalo, with a bamboo rod in hand and a bamboo hat on the tip of the rod, and another standing in front of the calf, caressing it with his hands. There is another boy, who is wearing a bamboo hat and sitting on the back of a buffalo. The air and posture of the boy touching the calf gives the work a sense of peace and stability, and the intermingling of the buffaloes provides a sense of balance. The piece vividly records a simple rural scene characteristic of early Taiwan. The sculpture is now on display in the Guangfu Auditorium of Zhongshan Hall in Taipei City.
(1) First Day Cover in large size: NT$3 apiece.
(2) Folder: NT$8 apiece
(3) Folder with mount: NT$8 apiece.
(4) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
(5)Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a souvenir sheet: NT$28 apiece.
(6) Stamp folio: NT$180 apiece.To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at