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Special 100  Chinese Folklore Postage Stamps (Issue of 1974)

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Stamp SN D100
Stamp Name Special 100  Chinese Folklore Postage Stamps (Issue of 1974)
Stamp Cat Standard Special Stamps
Stamp Cat Festivals
Issue date 1974-02-06
Suspersion date
Dimension of stamps(mm.) 29x48.2或48.2x29
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer Courvoiser S.A.,Switzerland
Designer Wen Hsueh-ju
Creative Director
Sheet composition 10×5 or 5×10
Print color
Process Photogravure
Paper Photogravure stamp paper
Perforation 12
  In China, some forms of popular entertainments are very old traditional customs; others are skillful arts. This issue of Chinese folklore stamps is to further publicize the spirit of Chinese tradition and culture. The set includes two stamps with Chinese acrobatics and magic as their motifs.