Mr. Yu Yu-jen, a native of Sanyuan, Shensi province, was born in the year 1879. He advocated revolution in his early years and fled away from home as a fugitive to Shanghai where he was publisher successively of the 〝Shen Chow Daily,〞〝Min Hu Daily〞, 〝Min Hsu Daily〞, and 〝Min Li Daily〞 to propagate the principles of nationalism. Because he kept revolutionary ideas alive, they gradually grew into an overwhelming movement leading to the 1911 Revolution. With the founding of the Republic of China, Mr. Yu was appointed as the Vice Minister of Communications. In 1931 he became the President of the Control Yuan. After the adoption of the constitution, he was elected as a member and also the President of the Control Yuan which post he was still holding in 1962. Despite his heavy work as a journalist, he utilized his leisure time in establishing schools to nurture the talents of the people of the nation and in setting up ranches to enhance the welfare of the people. His geniality and magnamity along with his worthy character and ideal behaviour are reflected in both his calligraphy and his poetry. They possess a style of grandeur and sublimity peculiarly his own and have won for him nation-wide appreciation.In September 1961 the General Assembly of the Taipei Reporters' Association passed a resolution requesting the Ministry of Communications to issue the 〝Elder Reporter Yu Yu-jen〞 postage stamp in honor of his outstanding contributions in the field of journalism as well as his noteworthy achievement in his role as a leader in the national revolution. A further objective was to point out our emphasis on journalism and freedom of press.