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Air 16 Air Mail Postage Stamps (Issue of 1963)

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Stamp SN C016
Stamp Name Air 16 Air Mail Postage Stamps (Issue of 1963)
Stamp Cat Standard Air Mail Stamps
Stamp Cat Scenic Spots, Aviation, Bridges
Issue date 1963-08-14
Suspersion date
Dimension of stamps(mm.) 36x25.5或25.5x36
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer Printing Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, Japan
Designer Lin Yuan-shen
Creative Director
Sheet composition 5×10 or 10×5
Print color
Process Photogravure
Paper Photogravure stamp paper
Perforation 12 3/4
  The 2.50 stamp is a horizontal type and depicts a jet airliner flying over the Suspension Bridge at Pitan. The 6.00 stamp is a vertical type and has a jet airliner as the central subject of the design with the Tropic of Cancer Monument at Kiai as its background. The design of the 10.00 stamp is also a vertical type, showing a jet airliner passing over the Shih Tow Shan (Lion-Head Mountain) at Miaoli.