Having issued the first two sets of definitive stamps “Orchids of Taiwan” in January and July of 2007, Taiwan Post is following up with a third set of four stamps, each showcasing one of the following four species: Ascocentrum sp., Arundina graminifolia, Vanda teres and Epidendrum sp. Their designs follow:(1) Ascocentrum sp. (NT$7.00): An aerial orchid with a monopodial growth habit. It has fleshy aerial roots for storing water and nutrients, as well as alternate leaves along erect stems. Its flowering stems produce a dense profusion of small and brightly colored flowers.(2) Arundina graminifolia (NT$9.00): A terrestrial orchid with a sympodial growth habit. Its stems are upright and multi-sectioned and often have persistent sheaths. Leaves are alternate, filiform, and resemble bamboo leaves. Its sepals and lateral petals are nearlywhite, and its purple lips are large and obvious. Its blooms resemble flying birds. Therefore, it is also called “the bird orchid”. (3) Vanda teres (NT$15.00): An aerial orchid with a monopodial growth habit. Stems are slender, erect and round; leaves are alternate, fleshy, and round, with pointy tips. Hence, it is also called “pointy leaf vanda” in Chinese. Blooms are a pinkish white with a purple lip. The blossoms are first cylindrical and later open to a fan shape, resembling the skirts of dancers. (4) Epidendrum sp. (NT$20.00): An aerial orchid with a monopodial growth habit. Besides storing water and nutrients, its well-developed large aerial roots will climb up trees in search of light. Therefore, it is also called “clinging orchid” in Chinese. Stems are slender and erect; leaves are alternate, lanceolate and bright green. It blooms from bottom to top, and when all the blossoms have opened, it resembles a pleated fabric ball.
(1) First Day Cover to be sold at NT$2.00 apiece.(2) Folder especially prepared for the stamps to be sold at NT$5.00 apiece.(3) Folder with crystal mount for better protection of the stamps to be sold at NT$5.00 apiece.(4) Loose-leaf stamp album page with plastic cover to be sold at NT$8.00 apiece.(5) Pre-cancelled First Day Cover affixed with a low-valued stamp to be sold at NT$9.00 apiece.(6) Pre-cancelled First Day Cover affixed with a complete set of stamps to be sold at NT$53.00 apiece.To purchase relative stamps, the public can go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.gov.tw.