(1)Shanghai Union Surcharge with rectangle at top
(Issued since 10.1945)Stamp No. Original print
D50.1 Martyrs HK.
D50.2 Martyrs HK.
D50.3 Martyrs HK.
D50.4 Martyrs HK. (Wmk)
D50.5 Martyrs HK.
D50.6 Martyrs HK.
D50.7 Martyrs HK.
D50.8 Martyrs HK. (Wmk)
D50.9 Martyrs HK.
D50.10 Martyrs HK. (Wmk)
D50.11 Martyrs HK.
D50.12 Martyrs HK. (Wmk)
The stamps surcharged are the Martyrs stamps of the Hongkong Print. The surcharge work was done by the Union Press of the Shanghai Chung Hwa Book Co. (上海中華書局永寧印刷廠 ) in typography in specially made No. 5 Regular-Writing characters overprinted on the sides of the stamps and Arabic numerals overprinted in a small rectangle with a black and white dotted line around it. The surcharge was done in black. As the rectangle is at the top (P-52), the stamps are commonly known as 〝Union Top Rectangle National Currency Stamps〞(永寧上框國幣票).(2)Shanghai Union Surcharge with rectangle at
(Issued since 6.1946)D50.13 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.14 Martyrs HK.
D50.15 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.16 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.17 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung
D50.18 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung (Wmk)
D50.19 Martyrs HK.
D50.20 Martyrs HK.( Wmk)
D50.21 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.22 Dr. Sun Central Trust
D50.23 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.24 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.25 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung
D50.26 Martyrs HK.
D50.27 Martyrs HK. (Wmk)
D50.28 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.29 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.30 Dr. Sun 1st Sh. Dah Tung
D50.31 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.32 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung
D50.33 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.34 Dr. Sun Central Trust
D50.35 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.36 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.37 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.38 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.39 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.40 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.41 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.42 Dr. Sun 1st London
D50.43 Dr. Sun 2nd Pai Cheng
D50.44 Dr. Sun 2nd Pai Cheng
D50.45 Dr. Sun 2nd Pai Cheng
D50.46 Dr. Sun Chungking Dah Tung
D50.47 Dr. Sun 2nd Pai Cheng
D50.48 Dr. Sun Chungking Dah Tung
Thirty-six denominations of Dr. Sun and Martyrs issues printed in London, New York, Hongkong, Chungking, Fukien, and Shanghai were surcharged by the same press and in the same manner. Dr. Sun Yat-sen stamps of $5 denomination of the Chungking Dah Tung Print were surcharged as $2,000 in red, while all other stamps were surcharged in black. The rectangle showing the surcharged value in Arabic numerals appears at the bottom. For this reason the stamps are commonly known as 〝Union Bottom Rectangle National Currency Stamps〞 (永寧下框國幣票). (3)Chungking Central Surcharge
(Issued since 6.1946)D50.49 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.50 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung
D50.51 Martyrs HK.
D50.52 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.53 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.54 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.55 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.56 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung
D50.57 Dr. Sun HK. Dah Tung (Wmk)
D50.58 Martyrs HK.
D50.59 Dr. Sun N.Y.
The surcharge was done by the Chungking branch of the Central Engraving and Printing Works (中央印製廠重慶廠) in typography in black with specially made No. 5 Regular-Writing characters overprinted on the sides of the stamps and Arabic numerals overprinted at the bottom in an octagonal panel with a black and white dotted line around it. There is no decimal point after the dollar figures, the cent units being underlined (P-53). Such stamps are commonly known as 〝Central National Currency Stamps〞(中央國幣票).(4)Chungking Dah Tung Surcharge
(Issued since 9.1946)D50.60 Martyrs HK.
D50.61 Martyrs HK. (Wmk)
D50.62 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.63 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.64 Dr. Sun HK. Chung Hwa
D50.65 Martyrs HK.
D50.66 Dr. Sun N.Y.
D50.67 Martyrs HK.
The surcharge was made by the Chungking Press of the Dah Tung Book Co.(大東書局重慶廠) with specially made No. 5 Regular-Writing characters overprinted on the sides of the stamps and Arabic numerals at the bottom in an octagonal panel with a black and white dotted line around it. The work was done in typography in red or blue. There is a decimal point after the dollar figures and the cent units were not underlined (P-54). Such stamps are commonly known as 〝Dah Tung National Currency Stamps〞(大東國幣票).(5)Shanghai Dah Yeh Surcharge
(Issued since 10.1947)D50.68 Dr. Sun 3rd London
D50.69 Dr. Sun 1st Sh. Dah Tung
D50.70 Dr. Sun 2nd Sh. Dah Tung
D50.71 Dr. Sun Central Trust
D50.72 Dr. Sun Chungking Chung Hwa
D50.73 Dr. Sun 2nd Pai Cheng
D50.74 Dr. Sun Chungking Chung Hwa
The surcharge was done by the Shanghai Dah Yeh Printing Co.(上海大業印刷公司) with specially made No. 5 Imitation Sung characters overprinted on the sides of the stamps and Arabic figures inscribed in a rectangular panel at the bottom. The work was done in typography, and the stamps were all surcharged in black color except the $3 ones of the Cungking Chung Hwa Print, which were surcharged as $3,000 in green (P-55). Such stamps are commonly known as〝Dah Yeh National Currency stamps〞(大業國幣票).(6)Kwangsi Surcharge
(Issued in 8.1948) D50.75 Dr. Sun 1st Sh. Dah Tung
In August 1948, following the exhaustion of the stamps of $5,000 denomination required for franking domestic ordinary letters and in view of the impossibility of receiving a new supply in time, the Kwangsi District Head Office, with the approval of the Directorate General of Posts, arranged with the Chung Ta Printing Press, Kweilin (桂林崇大印刷廠) for surcharging Dr. Sun Yat-sen stamps of $100 denomination (Shanghai Dah Tung 1st Print) for urgent use. The surcharge was made in black in new No. 5 Sung typeset characters and Arabic numerals. The Chinese characters are on the sides and the Arabic figures at the bottom without a foliated panel. Not long after the issue, the sale was stopped; but the stamps were put on sale again on September 29 when another shortage of $5,000 stamps was experienced. Such stamps are commonly known as 〝Kwangsi National Currency Stamps〞(廣西國幣票).