Special 279 Chinese Classical Poetry- Yueh Fu- Postage Stamps (1990)

Stamp SN D279
Stamp Name Special 279 Chinese Classical Poetry- Yueh Fu- Postage Stamps (1990)
Stamp Cat Standard Special Stamps
Stamp Cat Calligraphy & Paintings, Literature, Literature
Issue date 1990-06-27
Suspersion date 民國81年06月27日
Dimension of stamps(mm.)
Size of souvenir Sheet (mm.)
Printer Courvoiser S.A., Switzerland
Designer Lin Tien-shih
Creative Director
Sheet composition 10×5
Print color
Process Photogravure
Paper Photogravure stamp paper
Perforation 12


  Yueh Fu is one form of classical Chinese poetry, singable to the accompaniment of musical instruments. Over the years the music was lost, but the majority of the lyrics of Yueh Fu have been preserved. Tzu-yeh ko (Songs at Midnight) were the most popular folk songs during the Six dynasties (222-589 A.D.). This set of stamps includes four of the Tzu-yeh songs of the four seasons of a year. They describe nature as well as daily life.

  The four pieces of Yueh Fu that appear on the stamps were selected by Professor Ching-ping Yeh of National Taiwan University.